Tuesday, June 23, 2009

What Is?

So dear and of importance.
I wish I could know.
Know everything.
What happened and what was to come.
Only if I could realize about it.

People say that live for the moment.
But what if the moment ends.
The end of everything.
All of greatness or sadness.
Moments may last a period of time or eternity.

Wonder what is always there.
Question about everything.
Determine my fate.
Experience my emotions.
Live my life.

Brings all to stance.
Love, Happiness, or even Depression.
Emergence or Secret.
Lies or Truths.
Life or Death.

I know that life is so precious to every person.
Life's aspects bring so much to people.
Individuals have the power to do so much.
To hurt. To fufill. To give life.
I only wish for things to change.
Change for better.
But the future does not reveal itself...

The day comes. When realizations occur.